

Although the greatest possible care has been taken in the composition of the content of the website and / or pages created by Stickers.be, it is possible that certain information (over time) is outdated or incorrect. Stickers.be is not liable for any damage that may arise from the use of data from the site and / or pages created by Stickers.be.

Stickers.be hereby declines all liability for damage resulting from the use of this data or data to which links on this site (s) refer (s). The information on this site is subject to change without notice.
The site is intended to provide information to the user. Stickers.be gives no guarantees with regard to the nature and content of the information on the site and is not liable for the content of this information or for the consequences of its use. Any liability for any damage resulting from access to and use of the site is explicitly rejected by stickersBE. Also, no guarantee is offered for the faultless and uninterrupted functioning of the site.

References or links to other sites or sources that are not owned by Stickers.be are only included for the information of the user of the site. Stickers.be is not responsible for the availability of these sites or resources. Stickers.be does not accept any liability with regard to the content, advertisements, products or other matters on such sites or sources or availability. Stickers.be is not liable for any form of damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or relying on the content, goods or services offered on such sites or resources.

It is not allowed to frame this website. Stickers.be therefore does not assume any responsibility or liability for access to or information on a website that is linked to or from this website.

The stickers are intended for embellishment and do not indicate that actually declared products are present in the vehicle.

All dimensions, prices and images are subject to change and may vary.

The word marks, images and logos (hereinafter jointly: “brands”) used and displayed on this site are registered or unregistered brands of Stickers.be or others and may, without the prior permission of the holder of those marks, not be used in advertisements or other advertising material.

All logos belong to their respective owners and no rights can be derived from them. The stickers are intended for embellishment and do not indicate that actually declared products are present in the vehicle.

If you own a logo / brand and you do not want to see your logo here, let us know and we will ensure that the sticker disappears from our range.